Coronavirus (COVID-19): Staying Well Informed

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Staying Well Informed

Coronavirus and COVID-19: links to official sources that will allow parents to remain well informed.

There is a ton of information about the coronavirus and COVID-19 on the Internet, and it can become confusing. Here are links to official sources that will allow you to remain well informed. We also offer you additional readings on the coronavirus and how it affects families and children.

Updated on October 26, 2020

Naître et grandir

Official Sources

Government of Québec


Government of Canada


Santé Montréal


Canadian Paediatric Society


CHU Sainte-Justine


Montreal Children’s Hospital


Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec




Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (Occupational Health and Safety)

Elsewhere on the web


By the Naître et grandir team

Naître et grandir


Photo: GettyImages/Onfokus
