Reproduction and copyright policy

All content on the Naître et grandir website:
© Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, 2009-2024. All rights reserved.

Naître et grandir® is a registered trademark from the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation.

All rights in relation to the texts, graphic material (photographs, illustrations, and images), and multimedia content (videos and audio clips) on this website or in Naître et grandir magazine are owned by the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation or the copyright holders in question.


  • You may link to the pages or documents on this website.
  • You may consult, download, print, or share any content from this website or the magazine, but only for nonprofit informational or educational purposes and for a restricted audience. In such cases, the content must be used as is and may not be modified in whole or in part. The source of the material must also be made visible by use of the phrase “Source:” or the Naître et grandir logo.

Any use, in whole or in part, of the content of this website or the magazine that fails to meet the specifications above requires the explicit prior written consent of the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation or the copyright holder in question.


The following restrictions concern all Naître et grandir content (text, photos, and illustrations), whether originally published on this website or in the magazine.

  • You may not reproduce or host Naître et grandir content, in whole or in part, on any support (website, blog, mobile app or print), regardless of intent, the nature of the website, or its geographical location.
  • You may not host Naître et grandir content on any intranet platform that is exclusive to a particular community.
  • You may not use Naître et grandir content or the Naître et grandir brand or logo, in whole or in part, for commercial, forprofit, or advertising purposes.

Any breach of the reproduction and copyright policy issued by the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation for the Naître et grandir brand in connection with the content of this website or with the brand’s magazine is strictly prohibited and subject to prosecution.

Have a question about our policy? Drop us a line!
