We often think that attachment and love are the same thing. But in reality, infants bond with their primary caregiver before developing feelings of love.
By Nathalie Vallerand
We often think that attachment and love are the same thing. But in reality, infants bond with their primary caregiver before developing feelings of love.
When your baby is hungry, you feed them. When they’re cold, you warm them up. Over time, your little one begins to understand that you’re responding to their emotional cues and ensuring their well-being. They start to trust you and seek your attention. This special bond is known as attachment.
“The attachment bond is formed when your baby expresses a need by, say, crying or wailing, and you respond to their cues,” says social worker and psychotherapist Johanne Lemieux.
Attachment develops mainly during the first year of life and is said to reach its peak at 6 months. It continues to grow and solidify throughout childhood. Attachment is necessary for the healthy development of certain parts of the brain involved in emotional and social function.
At first, babies form a stronger attachment with the parent who spends the most time with them. They become the child’s primary attachment figure. An infant will also form an attachment relationship with their other parent as long as this person gives them comfort, care, and individual attention. “That’s why it’s so important for both parents to share caregiving responsibilities and have bonding time with their baby during parental leave,” says Geneviève Lafleur, psychoeducator at CHU Sainte-Justine.
How to foster attachment
To develop secure attachment, you need to respond to your baby’s cues quickly, predictably, appropriately, and consistently, especially in their first 3 months of life. Then, when your baby has internalized and understood that you’re providing the care they need, they’ll be able to wait short periods for your response.
At this age, infants can only communicate through coos, cries, and facial expressions. They’re incapable of throwing a tantrum because their brain is not sufficiently developed. If your baby cries to be held, it’s because they need comfort. When you hurry to soothe them—feed them, give them cuddles, or change their diaper—you’re teaching them to trust you. They feel reassured because they know that you’ll be there if they need you.
However, some babies need more reassurance than others. Chantal can testify to this. She adopted her daughter, Zahara Léonie, from Mali when she was 8 months old. For several weeks, the baby girl would wake up at night screaming. But since she was co-sleeping with her mother, she would quickly calm down and fall back to sleep. Once Zahara Léonie transitioned to her own room, Chantal slept at the foot of her bed. “When she’d wake up, I’d rub her back and talk to her softly, saying ‘Mommy’s here’ over and over,” says Chantal. “Sometimes it would take her an hour to stop crying, and if I left the room, she’d start all over again. I’d go right back in, because I wanted her to understand that she could count on me.”
You don’t need to be a perfect parent to develop a secure attachment bond. “It’s the batting average that counts,” says Lemieux. “You might make mistakes now and then or have days where you’re more impatient than usual. What matters is whether you’re appropriately responding to your child’s needs the majority of the time.”
Children who have a strong, secure attachment with their parents are more confident when exploring their environment and building relationships with others.
Of course, it’s not always easy to decode a baby’s cues. Are they hungry, hot, or sick to their stomach? It can take a few tries to figure out what they want. "Sometimes you won’t be able to console your baby, but at least you’ll be by their side,” says Lafleur.
As you get to know your little one, you’ll be able to interpret their signals and soothe them more easily.
The benefits of attachment
Between 4 and 12 months, babies show their first signs of attachment: they smile at their parent, make deliberate eye contact, and seek physical proximity (e.g., by reaching out or crawling toward them). They’re also afraid of strangers and people they don’t know well. By the time a child is between 12 and 18 months old, you can tell whether they’ve developed a strong attachment bond.
“In general, securely attached children will explore their environment confidently while making sure that their parents are nearby,” says Dr. George Tarabulsy, a professor at Université Laval’s School of Psychology and scientific director of the Centre de recherche universitaire sur les jeunes et les familles (CRUJeF), a research centre within the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale. “They’ll check that their parents are watching and show them their discoveries.” They’ll also look to their parents for help or reassurance if they’re distressed or hesitant. Take 3-year-old Mathilde: During story time at the library, she’ll often make eye contact with her parents when the reader asks a question. “When we smile back, she understands that she has our permission to raise her hand,” says her father, Daniel.
Children who are securely attached to their parents are more confident and better at regulating their emotions. “For instance, they can calm down more quickly on their own because they understand that they’re in a safe space,” says Lemieux. Zahara Léonie is a great example. Today, at 17 months old, she sleeps alone in her room. She still wakes up frequently at night, but now she simply turns on her musical toy and goes back to sleep. By being by her side night after night, Chantal proved that she would always be there for her daughter.
When a child knows that they’re safe and loved, they also feel good about themselves and enjoy being with other children and adults. As a result, they’re able to form healthy relationships. They also adapt more easily to stressful situations, like starting daycare. They may be sad when their parents leave, but only for a short while, because they know they’ll come back.
The benefits of attachment also become apparent later in life, when children start school. Research shows that securely attached children learn more easily. In short, a secure attachment promotes your child’s overall development!
Does daycare impact attachment? |
Some parents worry that daycare will affect their relationship with their child. “When the child is securely attached to their parents and attends a quality daycare, there are generally no problems,” says Dr. Tarabulsy. Because your child trusts you and knows that you’ll always come to pick them up, they can grow close to their educators without it negatively impacting their special relationship with you. What’s more, most toddlers start daycare around age 1, which mean they’ve already had time to develop a strong bond with their parents. |