A closer look at big families

Sixty years ago, it wasn’t uncommon for families in Quebec to have seven to ten kids. These days, big families are few and far between. Why do parents nowadays rarely have more than two children? And what is everyday life like for parents raising three or four? We examine these questions and more with parents and experts.


The joys and challenges of having a big family

Parents of big families are used to getting all kinds of comments. Couples reveal the types of remarks they hear and discuss the ups and downs of having a full household.

By Nathalie Côté

Parents of big families are used to getting all kinds of comments. But what is it really like to raise three or more kids? Couples reveal the remarks they hear most often and discuss the ups and downs of having a full household.

“Your life must be pretty busy!”

It’s true: The parents we interviewed all agreed that the house is never quiet when you’ve got three or four kids! In their eyes, however, that’s nothing to complain about. “It’s boring when things are too quiet,” says Véronique Grégoire-Lacombe, mom to a 6-month-old, 2-year-old, and 3-year-old. Philippe Gendron, whose kids are aged 6 months, 3, 5, and 7, holds a similar view: “We’re an active bunch, so we don’t mind.”

Of course, as with any family, it’s not always smooth sailing. “By the evening, both our girls are tired, so they tend to bicker more,” says Véronique. On the bright side, arguing helps children learn to resolve conflicts. “Often all we have to do is give them a nudge in the right direction for our kids to work out their differences,” says Philippe.

Several parents also noted that their kids are developing a strong sibling bond. “Our eldest three are really close,” says Sonia Vallée, Philippe’s wife. They enjoy playing with one another and help each other out when needed.

Still, there’s no denying that having a big family can be a challenge. Landlords, for instance, are sometimes reluctant to rent to families with more than two kids because they’re worried about getting noise complaints from the neighbours. “That happened to us a few times,” recalls Yves Fouometio, who is originally from Cameroon. When he arrived in Quebec with his wife, Christiane, and their four kids, aged 1, 4, 9, and 11, it took a month to find a place to live.

“I don’t know how you do it!”

In a big family, divvying up chores and getting help from friends and relatives is essential to getting everything done. “We all pitch in by doing the chores we like most,” explains Véronique. “For example, I like folding the laundry while watching TV. I find it relaxing. We also try to get the kids to be more independent, and we encourage them to pick up after themselves.” That includes putting away their toys and helping set and clear the table.

“There are certain chores, like cooking meals, that take the same amount of time regardless of how many kids you have,” says Christiane. “You also slowly get used to having to make more,” notes Véronique. “We didn’t have all of our kids at once!”

Another way to reduce stress is to cut yourself some slack when it comes to chores and other responsibilities. “You have to accept that you won’t get as much done in a day,” says Sonia. “It’s important to appreciate all the positives to get from one day to the next.”

Of course, you’re bound to run out of steam now and again. “We have a sign at the entrance to the house that reads ‘Exhausted parents, happy kids,’” says Philippe with a chuckle. “The trickiest part is finding time for your spouse. Once a year, my mom comes to watch the kids for a week so that my wife and I can spend time alone.” The two have planned a little getaway this year, though with Sonia still breastfeeding, their youngest will be along for the trip.

In Quebec, around 1 in 6 families is considered large.

Family can indeed be a great source of support, but they aren’t always close by. “In Cameroon, we had cousins, aunts, and grandmothers we could turn to,” says Yves. “It’s different here; we don’t have any family and are just starting to build a support system.” Sonia, on the other hand, is fortunate enough to have her parents nearby. They all live together in an intergenerational home. “They don’t look after the kids that often, but they’re always there if we need a hand,” she says.

Is it still possible to have a social life when you have a large family? Absolutely! “Most of our friends are also parents, so they understand and it’s not an issue,” says Sonia. “But if we’re coming over, get ready to pull out the table extender!” Benoît Dussault says that friends and family come over to watch the kids so that he and his wife, Véronique, can get out of the house. “But we sometimes have to take turns going out to see our friends,” he adds.

“How do you make time for everyone?”

In a family that is growing fast, it can be a challenge to give attention to every child. “I try to find moments where I spend time with all of my kids,” says Sonia. “I’ll organize games that we all play together, for example.” In Christiane’s view, “Every child has different needs. The key is adapting to each child rather than trying a one-size-fits-all approach.” Despite not always having a chance to spend quality time with each of their kids, the parents we spoke with don’t feel their children lack attention.

As a matter of fact, the biggest advantage to having a large family is that the kids always have someone to play with. “Plus, the younger ones are learning to talk and do all kinds of things earlier,” says Christiane. Philippe agrees: “My youngest daughter just started kindergarten. She already knows the alphabet and how to write because she plays school with our eldest.”

Another bonus is that the kids become very resourceful. “If one of our girls sees that I’m busy, she’ll ask her sisters for help or just find a solution on her own,” says Sonia.

“How do you afford it all?”

Yes, having a big family is more expensive. But four kids don’t amount to four times the cost! “We have our workarounds,” says Christiane Fouometio. “For instance, things get passed down from the older kids to the youngest.”

“Child benefits from the government are helpful too,” notes Philippe. He and his wife, Sonia, both have jobs, but they keep an eye on their spending. “We shop at secondhand stores and do clothing swaps with other parents, plus the girls share their toys and my wife does a lot of cooking,” he adds. “It’s toughest having to cut back on trips and paid activities.”

Immigrant families tend to be larger: 27 percent of immigrant families in Quebec have three or more children under 18.

The family car, however, is one expense that is hard to avoid. “We’re still managing with the car we have now,” says Benoît, “but if we have a fourth child, we’ll have to get a seven-seater.” The house needs to be big enough for everyone too. “Our son has his own room, but the girls share a room. They’re still too young to sleep in the basement,” says Véronique. “If we decide to have a fourth child, we’ll have to think about moving somewhere bigger.”

At the time of our interview, the Fouometios were looking for work. Naturally, their budget is a little tighter. The couple is hoping that one of them will be able to work full-time while the other works part-time; that would allow them to look after their family’s needs as well as buy a car!

Two adults, two kids
In some respects, today’s society is not well adapted to the needs of large families. Sonia Vallée, mother of four, speaks from experience. “Family packages are often for two adults and two kids,” she explains. “At restaurants, most tables are meant to seat four. As for hotels, a standard room has two double beds.” Véronique Grégoire-Lacombe, who has three children, feels the same. “More people would need to start having more kids to reverse the trend and show that there’s a demand for deals meant for big families,” she says.

Hopes vs. reality

Why are couples having fewer children than originally planned, and why has family size declined in Quebec?

Did you envision having three or four kids before starting a family, then end up having only one or two? The same is true for many parents in Quebec. What are the reasons for this discrepancy?

In Quebec, families with three or more children account for 17 percent of all families. Yet, in a provincial study conducted in 2017, 28 percent of women said they wanted at least three kids. In 2011, that figure was 32 percent.

Household chores, the investment of time and energy, and financial constraints could be part of the reason people are having fewer children than planned. Some may also have idealized certain aspects of family life before becoming parents: Only after the birth of their first or second child do they realize how much being a parent adds to their workload. “What’s more, if the mom ends up doing more chores than her partner, she may start to feel differently about having another child,” says Laurence Charton, sociologist and researcher at Institut national de la recherche scientifique.

The challenges of balancing work and family can also lead parents to stop at one or two children. “I work as a nurse, with special hours, and my partner is self-employed. That makes things easier,” says Sonia Vallée, a mother of four. “I don’t know how parents with big families manage when they both work 9 to 5!”

In my great-great-grandmother’s day ...

Things were very different in the early 1900s, when it was normal to have a large family in Quebec. Back then, the Church in particular encouraged couples to have lots of children—one in five families had more than 10 kids! Gradually, however, family size declined. The birth rate reached its lowest point among women who became mothers between 1970 and 1995. “We’re talking about a generation that saw the passing of the Divorce Act, had access to the pill, and lived through an economic crisis as they entered the job market,” says Chantal Girard, a former demographer at the Institut de la statistique du Québec. “These women were around 30 years old in the late 1980s. Those were tough years.” As a result, more of them chose not to have children, while those who did wound up having fewer.

Women of the next generation were slightly more likely to have three or more kids, though that trend has dipped in recent years. “That’s likely due to a number of factors, including the improved economic situation,” says Girard. Better life-work balance thanks to the introduction of subsidized childcare may also have had an effect. “As far as I know, there aren’t any studies on that topic, but there could be a link,” she adds.

Things to keep in mind
  • Families with three or more children account for 17 percent of all families in Quebec.
  • Many families plan to have at least three children, but stop at one or two.
  • Sharing responsibilities and getting help from loved ones makes everyday life easier for parents of large families.
  • Children with multiple siblings often quickly learn how to fend for themselves, play with others, cooperate, and deal with conflict.
Naître et grandir

Source: Naître et grandir magazine, April 2018
Research and copywriting: Nathalie Côté
Scientific review: Suzanne Vallières, psychologist
Updated: October 2024

Photo: Maxim Morin


  • Quelle famille? bulletin, Les familles au Québec : caractéristiques et évolutions récentes. Un portrait à partir du recensement de 2021. Ministère de la Famille du Québec, vol. 11, no. 2, fall 2024.
  • Quelle famille? bulletin, Les familles immigrantes et mixtes au Québec. Un portrait statistique à partir du Recensement de 2016. Ministère de la Famille du Québec, vol. 7, no. 1, winter 2020.
  • Quelle famille? bulletin, Les jeunes Québécoises et les jeunes Québécois veulent-ils (encore) avoir des enfants? Ministère de la Famille du Québec, vol. 9, no. 2, spring 2022.
  • Quelle famille? bulletin, Les enfants dans les régions administratives et les MRC au Québec : un regard sociodémographique, socioculturel et linguistique. Ministère de la Famille du Québec, vol. 10, no. 3, fall 2023.
  • Conseil du statut de la femme. Portrait des Québécoises. Édition 2022 – La situation familiale.
  • Érudit. “Inégalités de genre dans le partage des tâches domestiques au Canada : quelles influences sur le désir d’un (nouvel) enfant?” Laurence Charton and Nong Zhu. 2019.
  • Institut de la statistique du Québec. Le bilan démographique du Québec. 2023.
  • 2016 Census, Statistics Canada
  • 2021 Census, Statistics Canada