Naître et grandir’s content is subject to a rigorous quality assessment process. This process ensures that all information on the site has been approved and validated by at least one independent expert.
Our independent experts have several roles:
They ensure that the information we present is current and accurate.
They help us clarify the science on specific issues, including by advising us on what has or hasn’t been established.
They inform us of recent research that we should consider.
Scientific reviewers
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
Annie Goulet, psychologist
Ariane Leroux-Boudreault, psychologist
Audrey Larone Juneau, nurse, CHU Sainte-Justine
Chloé Gaumont, M.Sc., psychoeducator
Danielle Bellavance, early childhood education techniques teacher
Dominique Petit, Ph.D., Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
Dr. Charles Faucher, podiatrist, clinical professor at UQTR
Dr. Jean Turgeon, pediatrician
Dr. Michael Kramer, pediatrician and epidemiologist
Dr. Nicolas Proulx, physician
Dr. Philippe Martin, microbiologist-infectiologist
Dr. Anne-Claude Bernard-Bonnin, pediatrician
Dr. Chantal Ouellet, physician
Dr. Jacqueline Orquin, ophthalmologist, CHU Sainte-Justine
Dr. Marie-Claude Brodeur, physician
Dr. Sophie Laflamme, pediatrician
Dr. Thao Phan, pediatric dentist
Francine Ferland, occupational therapist
François Couture, childhood education consultant
Germain Duclos, psychoeducator and remedial teacher
Johannes Frasnelli, professor and Research Chair in Chemosensory Neuroanatomy, UQTR
Josiane Caron Santha, occupational therapist
Julie Baril, audiologist
Julie Brousseau, psychologist
Julie Rioux, psychoeducator
Kim Larocque, M.Sc., nurse, senior clinical advisor (family/children/youth), CIUSSS du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
Liane Comeau, Ph.D., early childhood scientific consultant
Liane Fransblow, Injury Prevention Program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital Trauma Centre
Lisa Grilli, Injury Prevention Program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital Trauma Centre
Lise Ross, M.Sc., nurse
Marie-Ève Bergeron-Gaudin, speech-language pathologist
Marie-Hélène Chalifour, psychoeducator
Nicolas Chevrier, psychologist
Solène Bourque, psychoeducator
Sonya Côté, occupational therapist
Stéphanie Côté, M.Sc., nutritionist
Stéphanie Deslauriers, psychoeducator
Sylvie Bourcier, early childhood interventionist
Valérie de Beaumont, graduate nurse and IBCLC
We would also like to acknowledge the important contributions of certain partners who, through their resources and expertise, contribute to our content. Information about some of our partners is provided below.
The Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) Birthing Centre provides general, specialized, and highly specialized care throughout pregnancy, during delivery, and after birth. Its mission also encompasses education, research, health promotion, and the evaluation of health care technologies and strategies. The Birthing Centre’s philosophy is based on family-centred care and services, where pregnancy and birth are viewed as natural life events. Its website, (available in French only), contains a wealth of expert-reviewed information that addresses many of the questions couples can have during pregnancy.
Alloprof Parents is dedicated to guiding parents of children aged 6 to 17 in all things school-related. A free, one-stop resource, it provides practical tools and information to help parents better support their kids throughout their education.
July 2020